Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Clear the Air Challenge Update

ChamberWest is a proud supporting partner of the Clear the Air Challenge. Here is this week status report.

"Three weeks into the 2010 Clear the Air Challenge and with over 8,500 participants we have saved 1,172,773 pounds of emissions! We're thrilled to have so many new people on board this year, but we need everyone to log their miles so we can all see our collective impact (and earn bragging rights).
We've already challenged you to get creative with trip elimination strategies and to motivate others with a little healthy competition. So how are you celebrating your new rock-star status? Consider sharing your successes, experiences, tips and tricks on Facebook or by e-mail. And who knows, there might be a surprise grand prize in it for the most creative Clear the Air Challenge success story. . . (but you didn't hear that from us).


Teleworking is known by many names and, regardless of what you call it, it is a great way to eliminate trips and save miles. Connect with clients and coworkers via telephone and the internet to eliminate work-related travel. Not only can you save miles, you can save time too. Take a look at your work calendar and ask yourself a few key questions. Are there any out-of-office meetings you could substitute with a conference call? Any days you could accomplish all of your tasks from home? If so, talk to your boss about how he or she can help you -- and others -- be productive and environmentally friendly during the workweek. For additional tips on how to bring TravelWise strategies to your workplace, check out our Tip Sheet for Employers.